COPEWELL in Practice
COPEWELL Presentation Resources
Download this PowerPoint deck to use in your jurisdictions. This can be tailored for local training presentations.
COPEWELL Communities

Gather inspiration from a list of communities who have used COPEWELL and descriptions of their particular uses for the tools.
Firsthand Accounts
Hear how practitioners describe how they put COPEWELL to use in ways that fit the needs of their particular jurisdictions.
COPEWELL use for PHEP Cooperative Agreement
Access resources for integrating COPEWELL into common public health emergency preparedness and response of emergency management activities.
Funding Opportunities
Understand how COPEWELL can be used in application development for, and to fulfill requirements of, resilience-related grants and other funding opportunities.
THIRA Crosswalk with COPEWELL
Assess how COPEWELL concepts match up with FEMA’s community Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process in order to help meet grant requirements for risk assessment.
Modified Rubrics
See how partners from the University of Alabama (led by Stephanie M. McClure) modified COPEWELL rubrics to better suit their needs.
- Health & Wellbeing (PDF)
- Countermeasures (PDF)
- Rules, Regulations, and Norms (PDF)
- Governance and Economy (PDF)
See the University of Alabama’s handbook on how to assess the local community health infrastructure, applying modified COPEWELL rubrics for that purpose.
Example Surveys
Review documents developed by the Tennessee Department of Health’s Emergency Preparedness Program to survey stakeholders and contribute data to jurisdictional risk assessments (DOCX).
Review the outcome of a survey instrument that the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation developed by repurposing prompting questions of the Community Functioning rubric.