Resources for Change
What if Resources Existed to Help Your Community Improve Resilience?
This menu of resources was developed to inspire jurisdictions that have used the COPEWELL model and tools and want to implement changes that bolster their capacities in certain areas. Users can explore these interventions by following the links in each of the titles.
For example, a jurisdiction that wants to create resilience in its healthcare industry will find materials developed by several agencies, from the Centers for Disease Control to the Morehouse School of Medicine, or the RAND Corporation. The interventions, worksheets, toolkits, playbooks, and resources presented here are a curated list of the modern state of the art. They are by no means, however, exhaustive of all options available, nor do they represent the only way for a jurisdiction to move forward. Leaders should reference these resources along with others that both they, and those like them, have used for planning purposes. By so doing, progress in achieving resilience in ways relevant to each individual jurisdiction can be made.
Pre-Event Functioning
Community Functioning
The ability of a community, measured at the county level, to provide goods and services in the following areas: communication, economy, education, food and water, government, housing, medicine and public health, nurturing and care, transportation, and well-being.
- Communication
The capacity of a community to support the organizations, personnel, procedures and networks employed to transmit and receive information by electronic means.
- Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
Includes steps to identify an audience, prepare key messages and work with the media toward the creation of a disaster communication plan. - Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Social Media Preparedness Toolkits
A variety of social media preparedness toolkits with videos, graphics and easily deployable messages to help prepare for floods, hurricanes, wildfire and extreme heat.
- Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
- Economy
The capacity of a community to provide, maintain and repair a market structure in which products and services are bought and sold in relation to supply and demand.
- Ready.gov Business Emergency Response Planing
A tool to provide some structure to the preparedness efforts of a small business, local government or non-profit organization. - Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety Stay Open for Business Guide
A tool to support organizations in understanding their risks and preparing for disaster.
- Ready.gov Business Emergency Response Planing
- Education
The capacity of a community to provide stable educational services, to open schools, and to maintain academic programs and extracurricular activities. Educational services include, preschool, elementary through high school, and vocational education.
- RAND Building Community Resilience for Disasters – Education
Tools to enhance community education, particularly in ways that bolster disaster preparedness. Note: educational content begins in Chapter 19 - Community Emergency Response Teams
Training for community volunteers to provide them with basic disaster response skills that allow them to support their communities through disaster.
- RAND Building Community Resilience for Disasters – Education
- Food and Water
The capacity of a community to provide and sustain access to safe and sufficient food and potable water.
- Environmental Protection Agency Community Based Water Resilience Guide
Kits that allow communities to explore their water needs and apply to the EPA for help in financing, designing and implementing resilient water systems. - Centers for Disease Control Healthy Water Portal
Links to a variety of tools to increase food and water sanitation.
- Environmental Protection Agency Community Based Water Resilience Guide
- Government
The capacity of a community to provide and sustain taxpayer-funded municipal services, e.g., sanitation, streets, public safety, criminal justice, vital records, building licenses/inspection, public library (U.S. Census Bureau 2013).
- National Archive’s Essential Records Guide
Information and tools to protect vital records that might be damaged in disaster - Federal Emergency Management Agency Community Preparedness Toolkit
Information and directions to make a community more resilient and better prepared for disaster through goal setting, connecting with stakeholders and setting realistic goals. - RAND Corporation Building Community Resilience – Developing Partnerships
Techniques to develop partnerships within and between government and community organizations. Note: partnership content begins in chapter eight.
- National Archive’s Essential Records Guide
- Housing
The capacity of a community to provide safe, affordable and uncrowded housing (“a private dwelling unit…[that] a family owns, rents, or lives in without paying rent” (Partnering for Change).
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual and Household Program Fact Sheet
A fact sheet that details how individuals might access federally funded financial assistance for their housing recovery. - Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grants
Assistance to fund a broad range of recovery and mitigation activities after disaster. - Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Communities
Tools to help communities create resilience before disaster strikes - United States National Flood Insurance Program
An affordable risk management option for property owners near a floodplain
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual and Household Program Fact Sheet
- Healthcare and Public Health
The capacity of a community to provide equitable, quality and accessible pre-hospital (EMS), emergency, primary, specialty and long-term medical and mental and behavioral health care, to include the in-patient and outpatient treatment of urgent and chronic medical and mental and behavioral health conditions (Berwick, Nolan, Whittington 2008).
The capacity of a community to protect the health of the population through promotion of healthy lifestyles, disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases (CDC Foundation 2016).
- Centers for Disease Control Library of Interventions
Aids to planning and preparation for health-related emergencies - Centers for Disease Control National Standards for State and Local Planning
Resources to aid communities in strategic planning for resilience - Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
A variety of recommendations to create healthy and resilient communities - Morehouse School of Medicine Emergency Preparedness Toolkit
A toolkit for primary care providers to enhance their resilience - Prevention Institute’s THRIVE Framework
A tool for understanding and then engaging communities to enhance health and safety outcomes. - RAND Corporation’s Building Community Resilience for Disasters
Health and social resources that a jurisdiction could use in enhancing their health programming. Note: Chapter four explores health and social resources
- Centers for Disease Control Library of Interventions
- Nurturing and Care
The capacity of a community to provide supportive/assistive care to citizens in need, e.g., childcare, elder care, housebound and nursing services.
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Emergency Preparedness for Every Emergency Checklist
A checklist to be used by a residential health facility to become compliant with modern policy and able to recover from disaster. - The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Facility Design Safety Risk Assessment
A toolkit to assess and mitigate safety risks in health care facilities.
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Emergency Preparedness for Every Emergency Checklist
- Transportation
The capacity of a community to allow for safe and efficient movement of persons and/or resources around, into or out of area. This includes transportation infrastructure and mass transit services.
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program Guide to Regional Transportation Planning
A guide that offers communities with research-guided suggestions to plan for disaster. Through eight focus areas, including emergency management and transportation for vulnerable populations. - National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Guide for Public Transportation Pandemic Planning and Response
A variety of risk assessment, transportation partnership and media relations tools for transportation agencies looking to create disaster preparedness.
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program Guide to Regional Transportation Planning
- Well-Being
The capacity of a community to promote and support good physical and mental health of its citizens, e.g., parks and recreation, arts and culture, health promotion programs and resources.
- National Coalition for the Arts Cultural Place-keeping Guide
A how-to manual to create a network for disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Informed by research it provides techniques and tools to prepare arts and culture organizations for disaster. - RAND Corporation’s Building Community Resilience to Disasters
Techniques to develop key elements of community wellness and suggests activities for a jurisdiction to enhance their public health programming. Note: wellness and community health content begins in chapter 3
- National Coalition for the Arts Cultural Place-keeping Guide
Prevention and Mitigation
Activities or systems that prevent or reduce the effect of an event on functioning.
- Natural Systems
The existence and preservation of natural systems that mitigate the effects of a disaster. These include such natural systems as: wetland and barrier dunes, stream corridors, sediment and erosion control
- The United States Department of Agriculture Conservation Programs
Many programs applicable to the preparedness, mitigation and recovery phases of disaster. - The American Planning Association recommends the Natural Resources Conservation Service of Louisiana’s Resource Conservation and Development program as a resource to create resilience. These create councils that bring together stakeholders from resource conservation agencies to create local solutions.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Environmental Literacy Program Resilience Assets
The Environmental Literacy Program helps communities become more resilient to extreme weather events and other environmental hazards they face. - United States Fire Service-FEMA, “Your Role in a Fire Adapted Communities”
The concept of fire-adapted communities (FACs) holds that, with proper community- wide preparation, human populations and infrastructure can withstand the devastating effects of a wildland fire, reducing loss of life and property.
- The United States Department of Agriculture Conservation Programs
- Engineered Systems
The existence and preservation of engineered systems that mitigate the effects of a disaster. These include flood levees, earthquake proof buildings, firebreaks in fire zones, etc.
- Thriving Earth Exchange Community Solutions
A program to connect communities with scientists in order to create projects that solve real problems being experienced by the community. - National Institutes of Technology Community Resilience Planning Guide
A six-step planning process to create a resilient built environment. - Army Corps of Engineers Flood Risk Management Program
Tools to help a jurisdiction to develop appropriate engineered mitigation actions that enhance resilience. - Federal Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grants Program
Connects jurisdictions with hazard mitigation programming that reduces their risk exposure to hazards in a cost-effective way.
- Thriving Earth Exchange Community Solutions
- Countermeasures
“Health management services that account for programs, products, and systems necessary to be prepared for, protected from, and be resilient against chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) agents and emerging infectious disease threats” (NHSPI, 2016, Countermeasure management). This includes both pharmaceutical and non- pharmaceutical interventions.
- United States National Science and Technology Council Committee on Homeland Security CBRNE Strategy
The National Strategy includes standards and provides guidance for jurisdictions to prepare for CBRNE emergencies. - ASPR TRACIE
Brought to you by HHS ASPR, the Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness.
- United States National Science and Technology Council Committee on Homeland Security CBRNE Strategy
Population, Vulnerability, Inequality and Deprivation (PVID)
The panoply of social, political and economic conditions that reduce a population’s ability to detect risk, to mitigate risk or to recover from the effects of a hazard agent
- Vulnerability
“The likelihood that an individual or group will be exposed to and adversely affected by a hazard. It is the interaction of the hazards of place (risk and mitigation) with the social profile of communities” (Cutter 1996, p. 532).
- Centers for Disease Control Adverse Childhood Experiences Tools
Tools to help create resilience to disaster and other sources of trauma affecting primary-school aged children. - OCED Economic Resilience Indicators
Tools to measure economic resilience in a jurisdiction. - Community Based Vulnerability Assessment
A Guide to Engaging Communities in Understanding Social and Physical Vulnerability to Disasters. FEMA sponsored guidebook designed to help communities identify vulnerable populations, anticipate how they will be affected by likely hazards and develop strategies for reducing their vulnerability. - THRIVE: Tool for Health & Resilience in Vulnerable Environments
THRIVE enables communities to determine how to improve health and safety, and promote health equity. - RAND Corporation Building Community Resilience to Disaster
Techniques and recommendations to enhance a community’s self-sufficiency. Note: Chapter seven begins on page 33
- Centers for Disease Control Adverse Childhood Experiences Tools
- Inequality
“Unequal access to opportunities and unequal exposures to risks which are a consequence of the socio-economic system” (Cannon 1994, p. 14-15).”
- William T. Grant Foundation’s Inequality Matters
Tools to begin discussing the socioeconomic health of a community - Community Mapping Project: A Guidebook for Neighborhood Associations and Community Developers Corporations
This guide aims to help neighborhoods collect, manage, and use community-specific information to build mapping systems.
- William T. Grant Foundation’s Inequality Matters
- Deprivation
“A state of observable and demonstrable disadvantage relative to the local community or the wider society or nation to which an individual, family or group belongs. . . . [It includes a
distinction] “between material and social forms of deprivation- one involving the material apparatus, goods, services, resources, amenities, and physical environment and location of life, and the other involving the roles, relationships, functions, customs, rights, and responsibilities of membership of society and its subgroups” (Townsend 1987, p. 125; 135- 136).
- Community Needs Assessment Resource Guide
Community Needs Assessment, Management & Operations. - Assessing Community Needs and Resources
This toolkit provides guidance for conducting assessments of community needs and resources. - Project HOME
Empowers adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. - The Lionheart Foundation
Non-profit organization dedicated to providing social emotional learning programs (SEL) to incarcerated adults, youth at risk and teen parents in order to significantly alter their life course.
- Community Needs Assessment Resource Guide
Social Capital and Cohesion
Factors that help “society function effectively, including social networks between individuals, neighbors, organizations, and governments, and the degree of connection and sense of ‘belongingness’ among residents” (NHSPI, 2016, Community Planning & Engagement Coordination).
- Connectedness
The ability to pull together as a community, based on a sense of belonging, neighborliness and demonstrated patterns of sharing and caring for others.
- Chicago Community Trust “On the Table”
A toolkit to bring participants together to discuss issues and create change. - Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster
Resources for non-profits who want to extend their services into disaster preparedness, response and recovery. - The Communities Advancing Resilience Toolkit, or CART, is a methodology to enhance jurisdictional resilience, with components to engage, plan and act on recommendations presented by communities.
- Chicago Community Trust “On the Table”
- Citizen Participation
The involvement of community members in formal groups (e.g., religious organizations, school associations, neighborhood watch) where leadership inspires members to have opportunities to play meaningful roles.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Comprehensive resources to prepare for, respond to and recover from disaster. - The Episcopal Church Relief and Development
Information about a disaster program, including preparedness resources. - California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services for School Preparedness
Information and resource to prepare schools for disaster. - Neighborhood Watch
Homeland security and disaster tasks that can aid in preparedness and response.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Emergency Management
- Hazard or Vulnerability Assessment
Identify threats and hazards of concern: based on a combination of expertise, forecasting, subject matter expertise, and other available resources, develop a list of threats and hazards that could affect the community
Give threats and hazards context: show how identified threats and hazards may affect the community and create challenges in response. Identify the impacts a threat or hazard may have on a community.
Establish capability and plan targets: determine the level of capability that the community plans to achieve in order to manage the threats and hazards it faces
- Army Corps of Engineers Silver Jackets Teams
Consulting services local jurisdictions looking for aid in their mitigation efforts. - World Health Organization
An assessment toolkit to assess, manage and communicate risks regarding chemical hazards to reduce the exposure of people living in hazardous areas to dangerous chemicals. - Federal Emergency Management Agency Risk Assessment Tool
A tool to help jurisdictions understand what could happen if a disaster occurs. - Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
The THIRA program provides the tools a jurisdiction might need to understand its risks, its capabilities and the gaps in its current programming. - Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Stakeholder Preparedness Review
Bolstering the THIRA program is the Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPA) which allows jurisdictions to remedy the preparedness capability gaps they identified with help from FEMA.
- Army Corps of Engineers Silver Jackets Teams
- Preparedness
Implement community-based planning that engages the whole community by using a planning process that represents the actual population in the community and involves community leaders and the private sector in the planning process
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency Preparation Materials
Workshop planning materials for jurisdictions to put on “Preparation” events that teach about hazards and actions to increase preparedness. - The Federal Emergency Management Agency Comprehensive Preparedness Guide
Provides for the fundamentals of designing emergency operations plans that allow jurisdictions to understand their risk, mitigate a hazard, and synchronize their response with other agencies. - Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance
A variety of tools to help households to get prepared. - The Zurich Insurance Company Decision Making Tools
Stakeholder decision-making tools available to help communities make cost effective risk management decisions. - The Federal Emergency Management Agency National Preparedness Goal
Details core competencies for a jurisdiction who wants to maximize its ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency Preparation Materials
- Emergency Response
The jurisdiction has developed the capacity to implement the capabilities and objectives of the jurisdiction’s emergency plans. The emergency operations plans and annexes are routinely exercised: the exercises are community wide and include community institutions and infrastructure. Vertical and horizontal integration are objectives of the annual exercises
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Response Plan
FEMA offer an Emergency Response Plan toolkit and template that walks jurisdictions through the development and testing of an emergency response plan. - American Planning Association Programming
Programs for jurisdictions who need to develop emergency response capability.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Response Plan
- Recovery
The local jurisdiction leads pre-disaster recovery and mitigation planning and has the primary role of planning and managing all aspects of a community’s recovery post-disaster. These capabilities must be delivered in a no-notice environment regardless of the threat or hazard. Continuity of operations plans are an inherent component of pre-disaster planning processes to ensure the continuation of each core capability and of the coordinating structures that provide them. In pre-disaster times, the jurisdiction has identified and appointed a local Disaster Recovery manager to serve as the manager for recovery coordination activities.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Community Resources
A library of toolkits, checklists and other resources that can support a community’s recovery planning. - American Planning Association Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery
The Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: Next Generation guide can be used before or after disaster strikes to help create a recovery plan. Topics include public engagement, affordable housing and visioning. - RAND Corporation Building Community Resilience to Disasters
A variety of key elements to community engagement around response and recovery activities, as well as providing steps to take in creating resilience. Note: emergency response content begins on page 27 - United States Department of Agriculture Emergency Conservation Program
A resource for rangers and farmers to recover from disaster.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Community Resources
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